Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will!
Rebel The Real Me
I am writing this because I decided to express what I think of certain issues like religion, politics in order to avoid people asking me what I think or what I believe, and make false assumptions about me based on what they see online on social media. Also, to address why I chose the lifestyle in the way that I did and what led me to it.
Many times I have been asked about my religious views, like what are my religious beliefs and do I practice and my response to that is we are humans living on planet earth in the age of technology that is evolving rapidly, so we should all learn to accept that and live life.
Religion always revolves around life and issues that happen in the world, well in my opinion when this happens it causes more problems than it solves. People should have the right to believe, practice and live life in any way they wish without fear of reprisals, provided they don’t influence or harm others. Society defined freedom to mean: “as long as you don’t offend certain people, then it’s fine, say and do what you want; I think this is hypocritical, freedom should not exist within boundaries set by specific entities, this applies to the words “freedom of speech” or “freedom of expression” . One should be free to express an opinion without harming others.
Now regarding religion which in my opinion really is just a collection of made up unverifiable fables and exaggerated bullshit claims passed on through centuries to people making them live in fear that if they don’t follow its preaching they will suffer eternal consequences, but, they are loved.
People are free to practice and believe in religion, but they should keep it to themselves not influence or insult others who may not share their views or who live lifestyles that conflict with their views.
I do not participate in anything politically related since I believe there is an elite influential group of people who control the world and how it runs on a global level, the media is a tool designed to create debates and provide statistics to these elites as to how the general populace thinks and reacts to situations they face. We are all humans regardless of race, color, background living together on planet earth. Life is too short to worry about politics and who said what, and lets build a better future by voting for this person or party. My future and present is the life I am living and the choices I make with the person who is most important to me, my boyfriend which will determine events in our life not figureheads spewing media jargon that means nothing.
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